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Building empowerment thru movement and breath ™
FLEX – Yoga Inspired Fitness™ is a dynamic movement class that brings together total body stretching, strengthening yoga postures, and balance and mobility training. The class is set to engaging world beats and combines an athletic focus with mental relaxation techniques. Enjoy integration moments to pause and connect the practice, ending with total mind-body relaxation. Those new to fitness, experienced athletes and yoga practitioners, and everyone in between can find their stride in FLEX.

Live Classes
Mondays 10:30am
@ Onelife fitness Rockville
w/ crystal hildreth
Mondays 10:30am
@ Onelife fitness north frederick
w/ Kristen Townsend
Mondays 5:30pm
@ onelife fitness olney
w/ carla Roque-cruz
Mondays 5:30pm
@ Onelife Fitness Bethesda
w/ Joyce Merilos
Tuesdays 11:00am
@ Onelife Fitness Germantown
w/ Joan Smith
Wednesdays 9:00am
@ Onelife Fitness Pike&Rose
w/ Crystal Hildreth
Wednesdays 10:30am
@ Onelife fitness north frederick
w/ kristen townsend
Wednesdays 5:30pm
@ Onelife Fitness Olney
w/ Kristen Townsend
Wednesdays 6:30pm
@ Onelife Fitness Pike&Rose
w/ Carla Roque-Cruz
Thursdays 11:00am
@ Onelife Fitness Germantown
w/ Joan Smith
Thursdays 9:30am & 5:30pm
@ Onelife fitness Rockville
w/ Kristen Townsend
Thursdays 5:30pm
@ Onelife Fitness Olney
w/ Deb Chass kram
Thursdays 6:30pm
@ Onelife Fitness Bethesda
w/ Joyce Merilos
Fridays 11:45am
@ Onelife Fitness Olney
w/ deb cHass kram
Saturdays 9:00AM
@ Onelife Fitness Pike&Rose
w/ Crystal hildreth

ONLine Classes
Stay tuned for more classes as we grow!

Kristen Townsend is recognized by the Athletics and Fitness Association of America as an Approved Continuing Education Provider.
Kristen Townsend is recognized by the National Academy of Sports Medicine as an Approved Continuing Education Provider.
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